The practice of Reiki could be described as a combination of massage and meditation combined. It’s a process of acknowledging the body by simple, gentle placement of hands on different chakra points and focusing the mind on positivity and peacefulness. Today, more and more veterinarians are adding Reiki to what they can offer patients. Because Reiki seeks to heal the whole animal, physically and emotionally, it’s considered a holistic practice. Reiki can be practiced at home or you can take your pet to a professional healer or holistic veterinarian.
Dog Reiki
What is Reiki?
A Healthy Dog is a Happy Dog
Reiki Session
During Reiki, the practitioner will begin by letting the dog sniff, lick, and get used to them. It’s essential that the dog invites this person to perform Reiki. In some cases, a dog may not want to be touched at all, in which the reiki practitioner will place their healing hands just inches away from the chakras of the body. Typically, the hands will begin at the crown chakra and work their way down, slowly, to the root chakra. However, particular attention may be given to specific chakras based on energy or request of the pet-owner. The session can last anywhere between 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the process, the dog’s level of comfort, and request of the owner.